How do I use and adjust the Hibermate Sleep Mask?

Take a look at the video and instruction below:


However, one thing to be careful of is re-threading the band of the mask through the slots in the cups.

You can use a slim flat knife (not a sharp one!) like a typical table knife, to help push and slide the band through the slot to the other side.

The re-threading of the straps might also be required if the mask feels too tight when it comes right out of the box. In this case please follow this video too redo the straps completely.


You can change the ear pillow cushions by pulling back the edges of the outer-cups and removing the cushions, which will allow you to replace the cushions using our Hibermate Replacement Ear Cushion.


Can I wash the Hibermate Sleep mask?

Yes! We recommend using a warm gentle machine wash or warm hand wash.

The silicone ear muffs can go into the washing machine with the mask (but please take out the ear cushions!). The ear cushions can be wiped clean with a wet cloth or an alcohol cloth wipe.

Do not wash with a load of whites or delicates as the color may run.

Do not use a dryer, bleach, or wash the ear cushions. 


I've taken the ear muffs off my Hibermate and now I want to put them back on, but can't remember! Help!

This happens a lot! Don't worry, you can see instructions here: 

Hibermate ear cups and wearing Instructions


What's the best way to wear the sleep mask so it blocks as much noise as possible? 

The ear pillows are very good at reducing high frequency sounds (ie coins jingling) - and quite efficient at reducing low frequency sounds such as traffic rumble. When the ear pillows are used in conjunction with ear plugs, the result is almost complete silence!

We recommend using ear plugs for most effective sound blocking. If you combine ear muffs and ear plugs, please be aware that you probably won't hear your alarm clock and it's possible you could sleep through a smoke alarm.

What's super-important when wearing the ear cups is to try and make sure they're sealed against your skin. If you have long or thick hair, try and place the cups underneath your hair as best you can. Like on all ear muffs, thick hair will let lots of sound through.

We get lots of questions about snoring partners; the Hibermate will definitely reduce snoring sounds, but like any ear muff, it will not completely block loud snoring. 


How can I wear the sleep mask so there is no light coming through at all? 

The Hibermate sleep mask has been designed to prevent any light getting in from the sides. You may experience a tiny amount of light seepage from under the bridge of your nose, and if so, simply put your finger on the bridge of your nose and move it upwards - this pushes that part of the mask into a snugger position and helps it fit better on your face.