How to Make Lavender Oil Spray for Bed Bugs and How You Can Get Rid of Them Forever

Bed bugs are one of the world’s creepiest crawlies. To think that an insect would have the gall to sleep in our beds uninvited! The thing is, though, they can be tricky little things to get rid of, especially if you want to avoid the use of harsh chemicals and bug bombs. After all, we sleep in our beds and don’t want to be around toxic chemicals!

Luckily for you, there are some natural options you have to help deter bed bugs. In this article, we will be taking you through some of our top tips for deterring bed bugs, starting with our best tip yet - lavender oil!

Keep on reading to find out how to make lavender oil spray for bed bugs and some other handy methods for deterring them.

How to make lavender oil spray for bed bugs?

To make a lavender oil spray for bed bugs, all you need is three things - pure lavender essential oil, water, and a spray bottle. Ensure your spray bottle has been cleaned and dried thoroughly. Use filtered water if possible, or you can use some cooled boiled water. For every ounce of water that you use, you should add 1 drop of pure lavender essential oil. As such, if your spray bottle can hold 3 ounces of water, you would need to use 3 drops of pure lavender essential oil. Follow the chronological steps below for more details:

  1. Hold your clean spray bottle and pour in your filtered water. If your spray bottle has measurements on there, measure out an ounce. If it doesn’t, measure out an ounce of water in a measuring jug beforehand.
  2. When an ounce of water has been added to your spray bottle, add in just one drop of pure lavender essential oil. It is important that it states 100% lavender oil to ensure there are no nasty additives.
  3. Repeat this process of adding 1 ounce of water and 1 drop of lavender essential oil until your spray bottle is full or you have the desired amount you need.
  4. Strip all of your bed clothes off the bed, including any mattress toppers. Spray the bare mattress until it is soaked through with the solution.
  5. Repeat this on every single item of bedclothes. If you run out of the lavender oil spray solution you can simply make some more.
  6. Wait until it has dried fully and then remove any dead bed bugs you see by using a vacuum on them. Empty your vacuum immediately.

As we mentioned, it is important that you use pure essential oils in this instance, rather than lavender fragrance oil. Not only can this cause skin irritation and respiratory irritation, but it may not be effective against bed bugs. The reason for this is because lavender fragrance oil often has chemical additives and may not even use real lavender. Synthetic lavender fragrance is cheaper, thus is often used in fragrance oils.

When you spray your lavender oil spray onto your bed, you should take care to do it in plenty of time before you sleep so it has a chance to dry. A simple mist will not cut it. You need to make sure you thoroughly soak the mattress, bedclothes, pillows, and the base of the bed or headboard if they are made from fabric material. This will ensure that any possible bed bug infestations are reached.

This lavender oil spray will also double up as a sleep aid. When the wetness has dried up, you will be left with a pleasant lavender fragrance which will promote relaxation. It’s a win-win situation!

What is the best essential oil to kill bed bugs?

Other essential oils for fighting bed bugs

Lavender oil is one of the best essential oils to kill bed bugs. However, if you do not like lavender or are allergic to it, there are other essential oils that are just as effective at killing or deterring bed bugs. These include tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, lemon oil, peppermint oil, clove oil, citronella oil, and thyme oil, among others.

Each of these oils should be used in its purest form. Ensure that it states 100% thyme oil (or any other type) before you use it. You should follow the same instructions as above, using one drop of the oil per ounce of water, and spraying all aspects of the bed so that they are wet through.

What can I put on my body to repel bed bugs?

If you are thinking about using something on your body to repel bed bugs, we have bad news- it seems that the only thing that is proven to work is store bought bug repellent, and even then those pesky little things may still bite you.

Many people have come up with their own way of repelling them, such as bathing in vapor rub (they simply put some in their baths), using peppermint scented lotions, and using talc on their body.

However, the best way of repelling bed bugs is to attack them directly. You can do this by using bug spray (you can try making your own lavender oil spray as detailed above), washing your sheets daily, and using a vacuum cleaner on your mattress. If you are having no luck with these natural methods, though, it may be time to call in the help of pest control!

How do I permanently get rid of bed bugs?

To permanently get rid of bed bugs it is important that you get to the root of the problem. They may be coming from the carpet, gaps or cracks in the wall, or the mattress itself. Ensure all of these areas are checked regularly, and that you seal up any cracks or gaps to stop more getting in. dust and vacuum as often as possible, and steam clean the floor and carpets, as well as any other upholstery regularly. You should also take care to wash your bedding and clean your mattress regularly. If all else fails, consult a local pest exterminator for advice.