How to Get Stains Out of a Mattress?...Even the Tough Ones?

When it comes to choosing your favorite piece of furniture, chances are you will always say your bed - and we can totally see why. Not only are beds comfortable and relaxing, but they are also where we sleep and dream, which means beds are commonly associated with positive connotations in our minds.

However, this does not mean that owning a bed does not come with its negative setbacks, as every bed needs a mattress and mattresses can be extremely difficult to clean and maintain. Although mattresses feature as a key component in many homes and apartments, we often forget about their existence, which can be very damaging when it comes to the hygienic quality of your sleeping areas.

So if you have finally removed the sheets and pillows from your mattress and have found yourself staring at a grey landscape covered in questionable stains, then we have everything you need to combat the mess. In this article, we are going to teach you how to remove stains from your mattress, while also outlining the importance of keeping your mattress clean for your health and comfort.

Why Should You Keep Your Mattress Clean?

Why Should You Keep Your Mattress Clean?

If you are the kind of person who does not regularly clean your mattress, then you may be wondering why your mattress needs to be cleaned in the first place. Because mattresses are often protected by sheets and quilts, many people believe that they do not get dirty, which is a common misconception when it comes to maintaining your mattress’s quality.

However, this statement is not entirely true, as mattresses are often exposed to a variety of substances produced by the human body, which means they have to be regularly cleaned to remove any waste or debris that has accumulated throughout the night.

If you want to know more about these substances, then we have outlined some interesting statistics down below:

  • Fluid - Research shows that the average adult human will lose 10 ounces (300ml) of liquid during the night, which will then be absorbed by your bedding and mattress.
  • Mites - Studies have shown that the average bed will contain 10,000 dust mites that produce more than two million droppings during the night.
  • Skin - Although many people assume that the dust under their bed is collected grime, it is actually skin that has been shed throughout the night - with the average human shedding 1 pound (454 grams) of skin every year.

When Should You Clean Your Mattress?

When it comes to cleaning your mattress, there is no rule about how regularly you should complete the process. In fact, how often you choose to clean your mattress comes down to your own preferences. For example, if you are the kind of person who suffers from allergies, then a runny nose in bed may be a sign that it is time to wash your mattress - if only to alleviate your symptoms for a few months.

Beyond this, there is no set time limit for when you should clean your mattress, although we would personally recommend giving it a clean at least once every six months. However, if you are in the habit of flipping your mattress, then it is also advisable to give it a quick clean while it is in rotation.

How To Get Stains Out Of A Mattress

How To Get Stains Out Of A Mattress

If you have recently pulled back your sheets and found your mattress covered in a variety of stains, then chances are you want to get rid of them. If this is the case, then numerous methods can be used to remove stubborn stains from your mattress, although they often depend on what the stain is.

Down below, we have outlined the various stains you may encounter when cleaning your mattress and how you can remove them using common cleaning products found in your home.

Urine Stains

Do you have children? Then you have probably encountered a bedwetting problem at some point in your life. So if your child’s mattress is covered in yellowish stains, here’s what you can do to get rid of them:


  • Hydrogen peroxide (1 cup)
  • Baking soda (3 tbsp)
  • Kitchen soap
  • Plastic spray bottle


  1. Take a cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide and mix it together with 3 tablespoons of baking soda.
  2. Once you have done this, add in a few drops of kitchen soap and stir the mixture until the baking soda has dissolved.
  3. Take the finished mixture and transfer it into a plastic spray bottle - before letting it sit for a minimum time of one hour.
  4. When the solution is ready, spray it onto the stain and then add a sprinkling of baking soda.
  5. Once 8-10 hours have passed, remove the mixture using a vacuum cleaner and the stain should be gone.

Blood Stains

Blood is probably one of the worst things you can get on a mattress, as the fluid can leave a heavy stain if it is not removed quickly. So if you have a bloodstain on your mattress, here’s what you can do to get rid of it:


  • Hydrogen peroxide (1 cup)
  • Lemon juice (1 cup)
  • Clean cloth
  • Water


  1. First, dab the blood stain with water - make sure that the water is cold before you apply it to the stain, for warm water will help the stain to set permanently.
  2. Take 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the stain, making sure you are blotting it with a clean cloth.
  3. Repeat this until the stain has begun to clear or is fully removed.
  4. Alternatively, you can practice the same method using lemon juice instead of peroxide.

Mystery Stains

If you have pulled the sheets from your bed and discovered a mattress covered in strange and questionable stains, then this technique should be all you need to get rid of those stains forever.



  1. Take kitchen soap and mix it together with warm water - make sure to stir the mixture until it makes bubbles.
  2. When the bubbles are ready, rub them into the stain using a clean cloth - making sure you are rubbing in a circular motion.
  3. Once this has been completed, spray the stain with white wine vinegar and allow it to rest for about 5 minutes.
  4. After this time has passed, sprinkle a thick layer of baking soda onto the stain - the baking soda should react with the vinegar and begin to fizz.
  5. When the fizzing has stopped, dab the stain with a clean cloth and then hoover up the rest of the mixture - this should remove the stain.
  6. If the stain is still there, then use a wet sponge and hydrogen peroxide to blot the stain in a circular motion - this should clear the stain once and for all.